Okay I thought for a change of pace, instead of reviewing games I’d show my own game idea that I’ve been throwing around in my mind for a while.
Okay the basic idea is its Grand theft auto reversed. Instead of being a carjacker walking around town and doing missions for the mob and such, your character is a cop. This is an idea that has been tried but never really done properly. It would give gaming a better name and hopefully stop some of the extremists who want to get gaming banned.
I’m not really sure of exactly how this should be done but I have a few ideas. First of all instead of going to gangs to get missions the player would likely go to the police station to get a mission (perhaps different stations for different missions?). Starting off missions would be fairly simple, probably things like domestic disturbances or perhaps arresting a low risk suspect, like a tax evader or something. Later missions may have you taking down a mob boss or even stopping a terrorist attack. Instead of earning money for your missions (money would come in the form of pay checks) you earn something like prestige, get enough and get a promotion. Promotions could earn you things like better squad cars, pay raises, better equipment and more backup.
Backup would work like the gangs available in the latest GTA games. If you needed help with a mission you could go to police station and request help. If you got promoted high enough maybe you would even get a permanent squad to help you, or at lower ranks maybe just a partner that hangs around eating donuts.
But I still haven’t talked about my favorite part of GTA, the part of the game while you simply roam the city doing what you please. This is likely the part of the game that requires the most tweaking. Obviously stealing cars is out of the question, but at higher ranks stealing could easily be changed to commandeering. If you aren’t high enough ranking to do that then perhaps there could be something that allows you to call for another squad car to give you a lift back to the nearest police station. Instead of beating down random people you could watch for people doing just that, then try to capture them. I know this sort of gameplay would keep me busy for hours.
I could go on about other things for hours but I think that this is enough.
So what does everyone think, did I miss anything important? Any suggestions or ideas? Maybe a game company willing to pay me millions for this idea? I guess not :D.
I’m going to be in