Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pirates, Vikings, Knights

Where are all the new games?! RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!!!!!!


Okay, got that out of my system. Thats all. No review today. Nope. Bye.


You still here? Okay, fine. I'll review a mod then...

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II

Basics: Its a mod. And its a beta. So it isn't rated. It's for Half Life 2 though, so if it was rated, it would probably be rated M. Its an FPS.

You can almost imagine how they came up with this one.


"Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we made, like, this mod where there are like, these vikings who fight uh..."



"And how about if there are Knights too?"


"And Ninja's?"

"Uh... maybe not"

"So, what would we call it?"


"How about Pirates, Vikings, and Knights?"

"Perfect! Really grabs the attention!"


PVKII is a total modification for Half Life 2. It pits the scurvy infested Pirates against the brutal Vikings against the noble Knights in an all out battle.

The combat system for hand-to-hand weapons (swords, axes, rapiers) is not unlike Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Close-weapon battle usually involve trying to attack your opponent at such an angle that they are unable to block it. There are a variety of ways of doing this, but my personal favorite is letting your block down so your opponent attacks, then blocking at the last second, stunning the attacker for a moment, and giving you your chance to strike.

Then of course, as you are reveling in your victory, some pirate holding an exploding barrel runs into the room shouting "Yo-ho-ho blow the man down!", and blowing everyone to smithereens. As of now, since the game is only in beta stage, there is only one character class per team.

The Knights team boasts a tank like armoured warrior, armed with an imposing greatsword for dishing out big damage, and a sword and shield for more subdued combat. Each class has a special ability, charged by fighting enemies. The Knights is an attack spinning the sword all aroound, damaging all enemies in a good distance.

The Berserker is the vikings addition to the madness. He is a large burley fellow with an axe, similar to the Knights weapon. He can also double wield a sword and an axe, which he can use to deal out a quick flurry of blows. He also carries a crossbow. His special attack is berserker's rage, which allows him to move much faster then usual.

The Pirates soldier is the most interesting of all. In addition to a rather weak rapier, he also carries a flintlock pistol and an exploding barrel. The pistol is a useful tool, if used right. He carries six, so he can quickly fire them off without reloading. These weapons are useful for bringing down an already wounded enemy. The exploding barrel is bizarrest of all. He carries a large barrel of black powder on his back, which he can either use as a suicide weapon, or attempt to throw it. Many players use this in emergency situations when they are surrounded by more powerful enemies. His special attack is a lunge with the sword that does a good deal of damage.

There are a few game modes as of now. Some involve capturing treasure or "Booty" for your team. In others your team tries to capture a strategic point and hold it. And then of course, there is the obligatory team deathmatch, a simple battle. More game modes, and maps are on the way.

Speaking of maps, wow. There are maps in a tropical area, some kind of ruin, riddled with traps, and even a desert map, where you can see the pyramids on the horizon.

This game is quite simple but there is some strange humour to it all, almost slapstick. I'm really looking forward to the finished game.

I'm not rating this since its a beta.

PVKII Homepage.


Hey, its a video.


Tom said...

I got some pretty cool game news! I am now the proud owner of WoW (World Of Warcraft) Which despite the monthly online fee (or gamecards which are cards with numbers on them that you punch in every two months), is well worth the money. Lots of customization and an almost infinite world. Bigger than Oblivion! As well as getting all the warcrafty goodness that you know and love.

... said...

Yeah, I'd get it, but I just can't afford the fee...

Tom said...

I suggest a part-time job, like baby-sitting. Or if thats not your cup of tea (like it isn't for me) You could start a dog-walking business, or some other kind of work.

... said...

I've been looking at stuff like that, but I barely have time. Plus, I'm saving up for a laptop, so I if I took a job, I'd use it for that.

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